Accomplishments: Ashby

Representative Scarsdale is a committed partner to Ashby.

Local Accomplishments:

  • Voted for tax relief for working families and small businesses, which will keep more money in the pockets of Ashby families

  • Voted for additional funding to repair rural roadways. This new program will provide additional local aid for Ashby’s roads

  • Voted to expand benefits for veterans and passed into law an amendment to strengthen the benefits of fully disabled veterans

  • Voted for historic investments in housing and economic development, investments which will help keep Ashby vibrant and affordable

  • Hosted Select Boards, FinComs, School Committees & Superintendents, Town Managers/Administrators, and Department of Elementary and Secondary Education experts for a first-of-its-kind meeting on the school funding shortfalls facing Ashby and communities across the First Middlesex District

  • Supported a federal grant application for the North Middlesex Regional School District for millions of dollars in energy efficiency upgrades

  • Holds regular office hours at the Council on Aging

  • Regularly attends community events in Ashby

Funding Secured:

In partnership with Senator John Cronin, Rep. Scarsdale has helped secure the following
funding for Ashby:

  • $250,000 bond earmark for affordable housing investment

  • $25,000 for a police cruiser retrofit for the police department

  • $20,000 for the Council on Aging

  • $15,000 for necessary improvements to the town gazebo

  • Record investment in rural road repaving projects through the Chapter 90 program

Legislative Priorities:

  • Funding for the North Middlesex Regional School District, in particular for the unfunded mandate for regional school transportation. Rep. Scarsdale is the House champion on this issue and is continuing to organize her colleagues around fully funding this mandate.

  • Developing a long-term plan to keep Ashby Elementary School open and operational

  • Rein in utility monopolies like UNITIL, which charge among the highest rates in the state

  • Drive down the cost of living, particularly for seniors and working families. This includes targeted tax relief, investment in economic development and affordable housing, and continuing to fight for Ashby’s fair share of state resources on Beacon Hill

  • Protect Ashby’s rural character by preserving our environment, open space, and natural resources

  • Ensure access to physical and mental health care by organizing against the closure of local hospitals, in particular, Nashoba Valley Medical Center

Local Endorsements:

Dave Nadeau, Select Board Chair

Doub Leab, Select Board Member

Jessica Kallin, Select Board Member

June McNeil, Ashby School Committee Representative

“I have lived in Ashby nearly my entire life and can say that I’ve never seen a State Representative as present and responsive in our small town as Margaret Scarsdale. She listens to our needs and understands our rural community and concerns. She is a strong advocate at the state level for our school district, particularly in correcting the regional funding formula and the unfunded regional transportation mandate. She is also a very vocal supporter of keeping Ashby Elementary School open and functioning as an elementary school. She has secured funding for our COA and police department and continues to work to identify grants and tax dollars to aid Ashby. I am very impressed with Margaret Scarsdale’s dedication to our town and school district and absolutely encourage voting for her to continue to be our community voice in the State House.” - June McNeil, Ashby School Committee Representative