Accomplishments: Lunenburg

Representative Scarsdale has delivered for Lunenburg.

Local Accomplishments:

  • Championed Lunenburg’s senior property tax abatement bill to the Governor’s desk

  • Voted for tax relief for working families and small businesses, which will keep more money in the pockets of Lunenburg families

  • Voted to expand benefits for veterans and passed into law an amendment to strengthen the benefits of fully disabled veterans

  • Voted for historic investments in housing and economic development, investments which will help keep Lunenburg vibrant and affordable

  • Voted for significant climate legislation which will expand clean energy investment and accelerate the transition to net-zero

  • Hosted Select Boards, FinComs, School Committees & Superintendents, Town Managers/Admin, and Department of Elementary and Secondary Education experts for a first-of-its-kind meeting on the school funding shortfalls facing Lunenburg

  • Regular participates in Lunenburg Business Association events

  • Holds regular office hours at the Library and Eagle House

  • Regularly attends community events in Lunenburg

Funding Secured:

In partnership with Senator John Cronin and Rep. Mike Kushmerek, Rep. Scarsdale has helped
secure the following funding for Lunenburg:

  • $250,000 bond earmark for affordable housing projects

  • $30,000 for critical incident de-escalation training for Lunenburg police

  • $25,000 for the Lunenburg Community Food Pantry

Legislative Priorities:

  • Additional funding for Lunenburg Public Schools, where students deserve more than minimal increases in state aid. Rep Scarsdale is leading this fight on Beacon Hill

  • Rein in utility monopolies like UNITIL, which charge among the highest rates in the state

  • Drive down the cost of living, particularly for seniors and working families. This includes targeted tax relief, investment in economic development and affordable housing, and continuing to fight for Lunenburg’s fair share of state resources on Beacon Hill

  • Additional local aid to support local investments and projects

  • Ensure access to physical and mental health care by organizing against the closure of local hospitals, in particular, Nashoba Valley Medical Center

Local Endorsements:

Caesar Nuzzolo, Select Board Chair

Michael-Ray Jeffreys, Select Board Vice Chair

Tom Alonzo, Select Board Member

Renee Emkey, Select Board Member

Lou Franco, Former Select Board Member