Press Release

Pepperell and Dunstable Receive Aid from State Legislators for FY24

August 14, 2023

Representative Scarsdale and Senator Kennedy secured a total of $360,000 in earmarks for projects in Pepperell and Dunstable in this year’s budget.

Pepperell, MA – The state budget passed the legislature on July 31 and was signed into law by the Governor on August 9, 2023. Thanks to the joint efforts of Representative Scarsdale and Senator Kennedy, it includes $360,000 set aside specifically for Pepperell and Dunstable.

“Partnerships are the key to success, and I thank Senator Kennedy for his steadfast leadership and support as we worked to secure these earmarks. All of these projects address urgent needs in our communities, and thanks to collaboration with town leaders, we were able to prioritize effectively to secure money for them. Working together, working smartly, and working hard is how you get the job done,” said Representative Margaret Scarsdale (D-Pepperell).

$250,000 of the total goes to Dunstable for repairs to the Joint Grass Brook culvert. This significant earmark comes from Senator Kennedy, who successfully advocated for its inclusion in the final budget.

“I am proud to have collaborated with Representative Scarsdale on securing these important local earmarks in response to the needs of the communities we represent. The $250,000 included for the Joint Grass Brook Culvert project in Dunstable will provide crucial state aid for transportation infrastructure improvements in the town,” said State Senator Ed Kennedy (D-Lowell).

Dunstable will also receive $50,000 for a new fire chief command vehicle, courtesy of Representative Scarsdale after communication with the town to determine its top priorities. The vehicle will allow the fire chief to respond more quickly to emergencies and coordinate first responders, as well as carrying backup safety equipment and technology.

“We appreciate the ongoing support, advocacy, and hard work of Senator Kennedy and Representative Scarsdale on behalf of the Dunstable community,” said Jason Silva, Dunstable Town Administrator. “This funding allows us to renovate the Joint Grass Brook culvert addressing a critical infrastructure need and facilitates the replacement of the Fire Chief’s command vehicle, strengthening our public safety response. Without this funding made possible by Senator Kennedy and Representative Scarsdale, the Town would not be able to advance these projects.”

In Pepperell, Representative Scarsdale successfully earmarked $25,000 for the Albert Harris Senior Center to upgrade its kitchen and appliances. The Senior Center serves thousands of meals to seniors every year and the kitchen is in desperate need of repairs, as well as many new appliances. This money will enable the center to continue providing this critical service to the community.

“We are so very thankful to Representative Scarsdale and Senator Kennedy for advocating for these funds for the Albert Harris Senior Center,” said Nändi Munson, director of the Center. “We can now update our sorely-outdated kitchen equipment, allowing us to enhance and grow our meal program. This service helps meet the vital, basic needs of nutrition and socialization, and these funds will make a huge impact in the lives of Pepperell seniors.”

Over the last few years access to affordable housing has become an outsized issue within the Commonwealth, and the First Middlesex district is no exception. Senator Kennedy therefore set aside $35,000 for an affordable housing study in Pepperell. “This $35,000 earmark for the Pepperell Affordable Housing Study will help the town create a strategy for achieving its affordable housing goals over the next few years,” said Kennedy.

Governor Healey signed the budget into law on August 9, 2023, and town earmarks will be available for the entirety of the fiscal year for their designated projects.